Tag Archives: Weston parade

Boo! @ Bisceglie – Oct 26 4-5:30 pm


20121022-105623.jpgBoo! @ Bisceglie is happening tomorrow! It’s a potluck, playground, mixed-age Halloween Playgroup! Boo! invites all Moms in Weston, CT friends and neighbors. Come one, come all! Just bring a snack/drink to share with everyone (nut-free, please) and a treat to give out when the kids parade around the playground and start their “trick-or-treating. Lineup and pictures at 4:30 pm. After that, adults will be able to select their “station” to give out their treats (stickers, play-doh, packaged foods, candy, etc.) to the trick-or-treaters. Please have your child come in costume (layers if chilly) and their trick-or-treat bags!

Bisceglie-Scribner Park is off of Newtown Turnpike (between Lord’s Highway and School Road).

Come join the fun! Meet other families!