Weston Fire-EMS Open House – 10/10/15

The Weston Fire-EMS is holding their open house tomorrow, Saturday, October 10 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Norfield Fire Station One, next to Town Hall. The event is held in conjunction with National Fire Prevention Week to give the Weston community an opportunity to see the fire department’s equipment and facilities, to learn about fire safety, and to learn more about what the department’s volunteers do.
Kid and parents can climb on and into the department’s entire firefighting fleet, from the department’s first fire truck, a fully restored 1934 Mack pumper, to the newest attack Engine 4. A rescue truck and a marine vehicle will also be on display. Firefighters will provide tours of the equipment and explanations about how it is all used. The Weston Emergency Medical Services unit of the department will showcase its state-of-the-art ambulances and equipment.
Kids will be able to feel the power of a fire hose as they take aim — with the help of a firefighter. Kids may also try out the department’s thermal imaging cameras and check out real firefighting gear. There will be a face-painting booth and information on carbon monoxide detectors.
Children will get Fire trinkets, toys and fire helmets, there will be free T-shirts for the first 75 kids who arrive, and we’re also serving donuts, coffee, and apple cider. Also, there will be a live car extrication demonstration using the Jaws of Life at about noon. Kids may tour a smoke house trailer, designed like a miniature house, where they may learn fire prevention techniques and the best ways to escape from a fire.
The open house is also an opportunity for adults to learn more about the department and the volunteer opportunities available. The Weston Volunteer Fire Department currently has about 75 volunteer firefighters who go on more than 500 calls each year. They are all certified at a minimum in the Firefighter Level 1, with many members having higher training certifications.
Hope to see you there!

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